Fibonacci Everywhere
Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio are encountered in many seemingly unrelated places in math, physics, nature, art, and possibly martial arts – or are they really? Read more
Imaginary Partners
From imaginary martial art partners to imaginary numbers, your power of imagination can help you and science in a very real way. Read more
A Balancing Act
Keeping your balance is essential in all martial arts – and also in solving equations, not to mention life in general. Read more
The Geometry of Aikido
The three basic shapes of geometry have deep meaning in Shinto religion, where much of budo philosophy originates. Read more
Why Learn Math?
Why do you need to learn algebra and beyond if you’re going to be an actor, a history teacher, a car mechanic? The short answer: you don’t. Read more
Beauty in Math
Do you have to be a professional mathematician to appreciate beauty in math? No more than you need a black belt to enjoy Bruce Lee movies. Read more
Complex or Complicated?
Too many people think of math as complicated – and some parts of it are. But the best parts of math are complex. Read more
Fear Itself
Fear can prevent you from solving a math problem or doing a martial arts technique correctly. Acknowledge and confront you fear to move ahead.… Read more
Kata and Waza
Kata and waza are martial art terms. Learn what they mean and why you need them – in math as well as in martial arts.… Read more